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- Why doesn’t the millet sprout after peeling the skin?
- Why does change rice seed increase yield?
- Why can’t potatoes be mixed with sweet potatoes for storage?
- Why does food get sick and hot?
- How to identify the age of plants such as grasses and flowers?
- Why can climbing plants climb poles?
- Why do self-pollinated crops degenerate the crops?
- Why do plant wilt after they are fruitful?
- Why grow crops, generally grow in North and south?
- Why must crops be planted in time?
- In the future, will various creatures deform?
- Why do alpine plants look so beautiful?
- Why don’t the seed germinate after they are cooked?
- Why do some seeds still germinate after being left for many years?
- Why use pesticides to mix seeds?
- Why should the seeds be chosen to be large and plump?
- Why should the seeds be hidden in a dry place?
- Why do they want to dry seed?
- Will the roots of plants look for Food?
- Why can the water in the deep soil layer be absorbed by plants?
- Without water, why would crops die?
- The plant also drinks water often. Where did it go?
- Why do plants have sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and astringent flavors?
- Why are some of the new leaves of a bud that just grew red?
- The leaves of some plants are red, why can photosynthesis take place?
- Why are the stems of some plants empty in the middle?
- The crop has no nostrils, so why do they keep breathing?
- Since the earth’s center has gravity, why does the plant grow upwards?
- Why sprout face to the sun grow?
- Where did the first seed of the plant come from?