Why do africans call ants Ground Scavengers?

There are many species of black ants, and they can be found from the cold regions to the tropics, with a particularly high prevalence in the warm, year-round climates of tropical areas. Due to their vast diversity, their living habits vary greatly, but they all share one common trait: they live in colonies. Each colony has one queen and thousands of worker and soldier ants.

Black ant nests are constructed underground, between tree trunks and branches, in dead tree hollows or under tree bark, and some species use underground stones to build their nests. To lay eggs and reproduce, they require a large amount of animal-based food, and their daily diet also consists of meat, making black ants carnivorous insects. They move in groups on the ground in search of food, and they often find and consume animal carcasses or injured animals, including large animals like monkeys, wild boars, and small birds. After finding food, they bite it into pieces, eat their fill, and transport it back to their nest for storage. They also gather decaying matter from the ground and bring it to their nests. Consequently, black ants are known as “ground cleaners” by the people of Africa.