Why do pigeons fly long distances?

The secret behind pigeons’ ability to fly long distances without getting lost has been uncovered through extensive scientific research. Scientists believe that besides possessing the typical characteristics of birds suited …

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Why can woodpecker climb green tree?

Woodpeckers carve holes and forage on the vertical surface of tree trunks. This kind of activity among birds is indeed quite rare. Why can woodpeckers operate flexibly on vertical surfaces …

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Why do birds sing?

In nature, hearing birds singing their hearts out can uplift one’s mood, adding much joy and a unique flavor to life. In daily life, humans use language to express their …

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Why do migratory birds migrate?

Weather changes cyclically through the four seasons, and many bird species also regularly migrate twice a year between their breeding areas (i.e., nesting areas) and wintering areas in response to …

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