Why should rice seeds be disinfected?

Rice thrives in warm and humid conditions, but such environments also often lead to problems because pathogens also favor warmth and humidity. From germination through growth to flowering and seed …

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Why want to incubate the buds of rice?

Rice seeds require adequate temperature, moisture, and air (although they can germinate with insufficient air, they will not be robust). Below 10°C, rice seeds will not germinate. They start to …

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Why should rice be cultivated in paddy fields?

China has been cultivating rice since ancient times. The continuous development of ancient water management allowed rice cultivation to expand. During the Warring States period, large-scale irrigation projects arose in …

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Why does food get sick and hot?

Once, a large ocean liner was sailing from Egypt to England, with its cargo hold full of cotton, meticulously packed. Suddenly, people smelled a strong burning odor, and soon a …

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