Why do dolphins swim particularly fast?

Among the marine mammals, dolphins are perhaps less familiar to many people. Dolphins inhabit the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, often swimming in groups, frolicking around ships, and consuming garbage …

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Why are mice afraid of sunlight?

The mole is a carnivorous animal that lives underground. It often digs nests in loose, damp soil, where it breeds its young. Even as the young moles grow up, they …

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Why do beavers build dams?

The beaver is a peculiar animal primarily found in the Soviet Union and North America, also present in the border regions of China’s Xinjiang and Mongolia. It has a broad …

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Why do wolves love to howl at night?

In mountain villages or pastoral areas, especially late at night when it’s quiet, one often hears the howling of wolf packs. Particularly in pastoral regions, shepherds are extra cautious, fearing …

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